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Annie Gancanny

Annie Writes

Captured thoughts.

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It is a small moment but a precious one. I hold it as carefully as I held the curious objects of art that she used to present to me...

Captured Ghosts

What is a ghost? In a world of incredible technology and daily advances in science, why is it that belief in ghosts still exists? Do...

Echolocation - a story of lockdown

We all have a story to tell from lockdown. Enforced isolation spurred me to write every evening. This is my story.


The final story in my Whispered Tales collection. These stories were inspired by the local environment and history (and a liberal dose of...

The Lovers

The penultimate story in my 'Whispered Tales' collection. Many liberties were taken with the geography in this tale. The Lovers Within...


The next story in my 'Whispered Tales' collection. Do places have memories? What is the origin of the discomfort, or even fear, that we...

And I said...

I wrote this poem at the beginning of lockdown, when I resolved to use the opportunity to write regularly and to publish my writing in...

The Soldier

The next story from my 'Whispered Tales' collection is now published. It is the second of six stories overall and travels back hundreds...

Whispered Tales

I have uploaded my first piece. 'Little Hands' is the first story in my 'Whispered Tales' collection written for my children at...

New Beginnings

I have done this before. In fact, my one year anniversary is looming. However, I just could not make sense of the site I was using and...

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